My Inspiration


When it came time to name my financial coaching practice, I began brainstorming various options. What kept coming to mind was stewardship. This is what I believe God calls me and my husband to live out as it relates to our financial resources. All of our resources are a blessing from God. 

1 Corinthians 4:2 states, “Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”  While this verse isn’t referring specifically to finances, the principle surely applies. While an owner has rights, a steward has responsibilities. A steward is one who responsibly manages something that is owned by another. Simply put, a faithful or wise steward manages well. Thus, the name Manage Well Financial.  

Being a good steward communicates an acknowledgement and an appreciation of God’s generous provision. This has become our core motivation for managing our money well and for making financial decisions that reflect our hearts of gratitude. Naturally, we felt compelled to teach our children to manage their money well and to model wise stewardship before them. Leaving a legacy matters a lot to us. Making a difference in the lives of those around us is also a high priority. In addition to legacy and service, we also believe that giving is an integral part of our stewardship calling.

So, what’s your motivation for improving your financial wellness? Whatever it is, my heart’s desire is to support you in your journey of managing your money well. I look forward to the privilege of serving you!   


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