Financial Wellness Coaching Agreement
This agreement is with the Manage Well Financial (MWF) coaching team. In all subsequent paragraphs, the Manage Well Financial coaching team will be referred to as “the coach.”
Client Responsibilities:
Committing to attending and participating in all scheduled coaching sessions and completing homework. If married, this applies to both spouses.
Providing the coach at least 48 hours notice when there is a need to reschedule your appointment.
Communicating honestly to the coach regarding all financial information including all debt (current, past due and in collections).
Communicating consistently and honestly with all creditors.
Creating no new debt without a discussion with the coach.
Providing accurate and complete documentation for coaching sessions.
Consider signing up for and actively maintaining an account within an online budgeting software. The account should include income, expenses, debt, etc. The account should be updated at least weekly for the duration of the coaching agreement.
Coach Responsibilities:
Evaluating the client’s budget, goals, income and expenses before each session.
Developing a strategy to assist clients with meeting their goals.
Creating a budget process that is manageable for the clients.
Developing a debt elimination strategy.
Being available for all coaching sessions.
Providing timely communication.
Answering emails and telephone calls within 2 business days.
Session Logistics:
Coaching sessions will be held electronically or in person, depending on the location of the client. Meeting homework will be emailed within 48 hours of the scheduled meeting unless otherwise discussed.
Sessions will be scheduled after payment is made.
General Coaching Policies:
The coach is not liable for the client’s financial responsibilities.
The client is responsible for all of their financial decisions.
Information shared in coaching sessions is confidential and will not be shared outside the session.
Coaching sessions will be no more than 60 minutes in length.
The investment by the client is a fee for time. The benefit received by the client is contingent upon the amount of work and effort put into the execution of the plan.
Payments can be made via cash, debit card, or PayPal and are due before the next session is scheduled. In order to discourage the use of future debt, credit cards will not be accepted.
Coaching Fees:
The client agrees to pay $275 for a power coaching session.
Disclaimer: Coaching is designed to provide the client with accurate and authoritative information regarding the management of their financial wellness. The coach will not provide legal, accounting, investment or other professional advice or services. The client will be directed to hire other licensed professionals for those services if needed.